Question Types

Closed-Ended Questions

Closed-ended questions restrict the user to a pre-defined choice of answers.

Available closed-ended question types:

  • Single Choice selection
  • Multi Choice selection

Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions allow users to enter a flexible response without the restrictions of other types such as choice questions.

Available open-ended question types:

  • Numerical 
  • Multi-line text

Question Property Options



QuestionName of the question
DescriptionDetail defining the question
IdUsed to identify question from an external source
OrderUsed to control the order in which questions appear. Smaller value appear before larger ones.
WeightingThe relative importance of the question in the overall survey
Allow AttachmentsAllows the user to include attachments with their answer
Allow NotesAllows the user to include notes with their answer
Allow Multiple SelectionAllows the user to select multiple answers for a question (only applicable for Choice Questions)
Allow Whole NumbersRestricts the user to enter whole numbers (only applicable for Number Questions)
MandatoryAllows question to be marked mandatory and survey cannot be completed without the question being answered
CategoriesCan be used to group results in reporting
LibraryQuestions that form part of a library