Release Notes for 2.112

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features

List Processing Functions

The power of list processing has just got simpler with the introduction of the following list functions.  Workflows with more complicated loops to process data in lists can now be simplified and be made to run more efficiently. 

  1. first(list) - returns the first record of a list of items as a single scalar value.
  2. last(list) - returns the last record of a list of items as a single scalar value.
  3. first(n, list) - returns the first n records of a list of items as a list of value.  
  4. last(n, list) - as above for the last n records.
  5. skip(n, list) - as above, but for a function that skips over the first n records.
  6. reverse(list - a function that reverses the order of a list.
  7. convert(list, input) - A way to take a single value and convert it to a list of zero or one items.
  8. concat(list1, list2) - concatenate two lists of the same type together, or a list and a single item, or a single item and a single item.

Note: These functions are only supported in workflow and document generation calculations.

See Calculation Functions for more details.

Enhanced Features

Security Roles

We have listened to you and based on customer recommendations we have renamed a couple of the security roles tabs to make it more meaningful.

  • Includes Roles is now titled Members (Roles)
    • The listed roles are members of the currently role.
    • Users assigned to member roles are also effectively in the current role.
    • Equivalently, each of the Members (Roles) inherit permissions of the current role
  • Included by Roles is now titled Member Of
    • The current role is a member of the listed roles
    • Users assigned to the current role are also effectively in the listed roles.
    • Equivalently, the current role inherits permissions of the Member Of roles.

See User Roles for more details.

Bug Fixes

  • Analyser: Item not selected when selection is outside filter dialog

  • Analyser: Renamed report columns are not displayed in the Analyser

  • Calculations: Count calculations in records in a relationship incorrectly displayed in reports

  • Calculations: Exporting data, which uses the calculation DateFromParts, is incorrect

  • Charts: Charts incorrectly display data in filtered columns

  • Charts: Using the inline editor to modify a chart name incorrectly displays the chart title

  • Reports: A lengthy report description interferes with the report filter control

  • Reports: A warning displayed for a specific report remains after saving the report

  • Reports: Adjusting column widths on reports takes time

  • Reports: Default reports show the same report multiple times

  • Reports: Searching on summarized reports results in an error

  • Resource Keys: The user interface for Resource keys shows incorrect controls

  • Resource Keys: Users cannot add a resource key, with relationships or Choice fields, to objects

  • Security Roles: Changing a user role's record access queries does not update the Last Modified Date for the user role

  • User accounts: If the expiration time for a user account is exceeded, accounts are not marked as expired

  • Workflow: A specific workflow, with multiple user inputs with user action, results in an error

  • Workflow: Documents with multiple versions cannot be cloned in a workflow

  • Workflow: In a workflow with multiple users, the audit log displays an incorrect user for an event