For Each


Run a sequence of activities down a list of records.

As an example, an 'update' activity can be placed after the 'Loop' activity to update each record individually. At the end of the list, the activity will process through the 'Finished' exit point.


To configure a 'For Each' activity, a list must be provided to the activity from a parameter (see Parameters of General Workflow Activity Configuration). The 'For Each' activity has two exit points:

  • Loop: on each record of the provided list, the 'For Each' activity will process through the 'loop' exit (see example below). This must then be connected back to the entry point of the 'For Each' activity.
  • Finished: after the entire list is processed, the activity will process through the 'Finished' exit point



ListA list or records to loop through

Parameters created




[Activity Name].RecordRecordThe currently selected record in the 'For Each' loop