Release Notes for 2.95

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

Feature Enhancements 

Export to Excel

  • When exporting a report to Excel, CSV or Word document; any 'group by' attribute on a report now exports as a column in the exported document

Resource Keys

  • For performance reasons, resource keys cannot be created or modified for objects that contain more than 100 pre-existing records.

Bug fixes

  • Console : Server returns error when trying to create a resource key on Name field for an object which has large amount of data. 
  • Enabling workflow buttons in report builder leads to 500 internal server error in certain circumstances
  • Workflow: Unable to add a 'default value' to a defined variable in workflow
  • Workflow - running out of memory when loading large workflow.
  • Workflow: Create/Update/Clone - When we add the 10th field to a create activity, the field was being added at position 2 instead of the end in position 10.
  • Mobile: Password set to change on next login does not work in mobile
  • Import: Import fails if the duplicate row is within 30 rows and passes if it as after 30 rows

Known Issue

  • Workflow: Undo action does not work on added or deleted activities.
  • Unable to add more records to a multi-select relationship