Creating an Application

  1. Login to your tenant using your administrator credentials.
  2. After successfully logging in, you will be redirect to your tenant landing page.
  3. Turn on configuration mode by clicking on the spanner  on top right. This will enable the "New Application" option.
  4. Click on New Application to start the application creation process. 
  5. Enter a Name for your application. 
  6. Description is optional but it is a good practice to add one especially if you are planning to build multiple applications.
  7. Under Options -> Format tab, choose an icon from the list that suits your application name. 
  8. If you want to use your own custom icon, here is the process to upload it.
    • From your landing page, click on Documents. This will open up your Document Library.
    • On the left menu, click on Document Library to expand the sub-folders.
    • Click on Icons -> New.
    • Upload your icon and click Save.
  9. Finally, under Options -> Deploy tab, select Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile as appropriate.
  10. Click OK to save and exit.