
Grouping is a feature of reports whereby rows can be grouped together into expandable/collapsible sections. A column of the report is nominated as the grouped column, and rows are categorized into the same group if they have the same value in this column. For example, a report of employees may be grouped by department by nominating the department column as the grouped column. Sub groups can also be achieved by selecting more than one grouping column.

To perform grouping on a column in a report:

  1. Go to the Report Builder.
  2. Decide which column should be the grouped column.
  3. Hover on the column header of the chosen column. A down arrow appears in the right side of the column header.
  4. Select the down arrow. The column context menu appears.
  5. Select Group By. The report with the Group By displays.
  6. Select SAVE to save the report.