Release Notes for 2.84

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features Summary

See "Feature Detail" for further details & screenshots.

Vertical list view in reportsWhen a column has been formatted as a comma separated list, new format option to display as a stacked list.

Feature Enhancements Summary

See "Feature Detail" for further details & screenshots.


Reports: some columns now behave as hyperlink

Single click on a "name" or "lookup" column of a report to enter the record
Form navigation button restyle (Back, Edit, Save, Close)"Back" button moved to top right and form navigation buttons restyled
Quick LookupStart typing in a lookup field on a form to get a list of possible results
Checkbox selection for relationship controlAbility to use checkboxes for selection when selecting records in a picker for a "relationship",
User password change dialogueNow prompt user to enter current password before changing password

Bug fixes

Bug fixes to the following areas:

  • User Input: default value for date showing 1753
  • Workflows:  “Save as” workflow saves the new workflow as a version # next increment from the saved workflow, rather than version 1.
  • Form Layout: Relationship Reports in container appear squashed when stacked in certain order
  • Excel Import: When importing a list that results in a parent-child relationship, some relationships were dropped
  • Inline Edit: "Edit Inline" button not able to be turned off for a report on a screen
  • Action Button on Form: Could not click the button on the form if the name field is too long
  • Error and notification message made wider when message spans over two lines
  • Form Builder: Multi-line Field doesn't respect vertical format setting
  • Confirm Delete Dialogue: not reporting other resources that will be deleted during cascade delete
  • Other miscellaneous bugs

Feature Detail

Vertical List in Report

In a report, when a column has been formatted as a comma separated list, new format option to display as a stacked list.

In Report Builder, open the Value Formatting of any relationship column that has been formatted as "Comma Separated List". A new option available to show as "Vertical List" and specify the number of lines to show.

The records will not appear as a vertical list. If there are more records than can be displayed, the last row will show a count of how may more are available.

Reports: some columns now behave as hyperlink

Any "Name" or "Lookup" column in a report now appear as a hyperlink on mouse hover. This allows:

  • A single click to enter a record when clicking on the name field
  • A single click to navigate directly to a lookup record
  • Hold Ctrl + Click hyperlink to open record in new tab 

Form navigation button restyle (Back, Edit, Save, Close)

For ease of use and in response to customer feedback:

  • "Back" button on the form has been moved to the top right
  • The Back, Edit, Save and Close buttons have been restyled

Quick Lookup

On a form, when entering data into a lookup field, new ability to start typing directly in a field, a list of possible matches will be dynamically displayed and can be selected

Inline Relationship Control: Checkbox for multi-selection

On a form, when linking to existing records in a relationship, the picker dialogue now shows checkboxes next to each record. Records can easily be selected/deselected with a single click