Microsoft Word Mail Merge Fields

The document generator uses Word merge-fields extensively. This page contains tips for working with Merge Fields in Word.

Adding Merge Fields

Merge fields can be inserted into the word document with two different methods:

  • Using Words Quick Parts preformatted texts
  • Using Document Content for free text MergeField formatting

Using Quick Parts

  1. Create a new Word document.
  2. On the Ribbon: Insert (tab) > Quick Parts > Field
  3. In the Field dialogue:
    a) select Mail Merge from Categories
    b) select MergeField from Field Names
    c) enter document generation macro in Field name (e.g. [First Name])
    d) click OK 

Using Field Codes (advanced)

  1. Select: File > Options > Advanced.
  2. Tick Show field codes instead of their values.
  3. Then press Ctrl+F9 to insert a new MergeField
  4. Type MERGEFIELD between the braces along with your document generation macro, for example, [First Name]

How Merge Fields appear in the document

A merge field may appear in one of two modes:

  1. Result mode- This shows what value it's currently taking.  
    • For example: «with load Person Harry Potter» 
  2. Field Code mode- This shows the full Word Field Code and is the view used to insert document generation marcos.
    • For example: { MERGEFIELD [First Name] }