Release Notes for 2.74

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features Summary

See "New Feature Detail" for further details & screenshots.

Navigation icon colouringIcons are now white and appear coloured when selected or hovered over.
Theme changeTo compliment new 'navigation icon colouring' the default theme has been changed to a sleek dark grey navigation menu.
Improved "Security Role" user interfaceAbility to manage record and navigation access within the role form.

Inline Editing for Text, Yes/No and Choice fields in reports

(Pre-Release only to 'pilot' customers)

Ability to edit a record in a report; this includes Text, Yes/No and Choice fields without having to navigate to the form.

Features Changes

Form save behaviour changes

To improve usability, when creating a new record from a report, after saving the record, you will now remain on the form (rather than navigating back to the report or screen)

Note: When creating a new record from a relationship on a form, after saving the record, will still return back to the parent form.

Record delete dialogue changes

When deleting a record from anywhere in the system, the confirmation dialogue showed 'related resources', this has now been removed.

Bug fixes:

Bug fixes to the following areas:

  • Misconfigured reports in Admin 
  • Incorrect default behaviour of certain controls on forms
  • Alerts appearing unintentionally on import from excel wizard
  • Mobile quick search on hierarchy views
  • Layout of some controls on screens overlapping in certain circumstances.

Known Issues:

(warning) Web page cached after upgrade

After a product update, some users are running older cached web page code instead of the latest code. This can cause unpredictable issues throughout the product. If you experience product issues, please check the page version, and if necessary refresh the page by clicking reload or pressing F5. The page version is located in the bottom left corner after logged in. Two version numbers appear, and both must start with 2.74. We are working to resolve this issue, thank you for your patience.

New Feature Detail

Navigation icon colouring & revised theme

  • As an improved modern look and feel, the default colour for the left navigation has been changed to a sleek dark grey navigation menu. 
  • This will not affect your tenant if you have a 'custom' colour assigned to the left navigation
  • Default Icons in the left menu now appear 'white' and will be coloured if you 'hover over' or select the element.

Improved Security Role User Interface

  • To improve the usability of creating security roles, the security role form has been enhanced.
  • Go to Administration > Security > User Roles > Open a user role. You will now be able to set both "Record Access" and "Navigation Access" from the same security role form

Inline Editing (Text, Choice and Yes/No Field)

  • This feature is in 'Pre-release'. Please contact your ReadiNow representative if you would like access to this feature.
  • On any report, click on "Edit" above the report. This will then enable inline editing on records of that report
  • Click to edit any Text, Choice and Yes/No field.
  • Once all desired changes are made, click 'Save Changes' to save all changes in one batch
  • Note: a field is only inline editable if:
    • It is a choice text, choice or Yes/No field. 
    • You have security record access to modify the selected record
    • The field is on the form relating to that report.
    • The field is not set to 'read only' on the form relating to that report 

Known Issues

  • Inline editing may not work if the report column utilises "conditional formatting" in some circumstances. This issue will be addressed in the next release.
  • Yes/No field may not be inline editable in certain combination of columns. This issue will be addressed in the next release.