ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
New Features
New Distinct() function
Distinct() is a new function in the calculation engine which will return unique lists of items. Alternatively, it can also be used with count() to provide a way to count unique items in a list.
How it works:
- The distinct function works as a list function. It receives a list of items, and returns a list of items that are unique.
- There is no guarantee of order of results.
- If used in the reports engine, then the distinct function may only be used directly within the count function, such as count( distinct ( [Some Relationship] ) )
Distinct() calculation example
Security: More Administrative Roles
Two more administrative roles have been added to our already currently existing four administrative roles, these are:
- Content Administrators
- Workflows & Schedule Administrators
Administrative roles allow you to grant users special administrative access without the need of giving users full administration access to perform specific administrative tasks. You can also customise your own administrative roles based on the existing roles, by simply defining record access rules, permissions and navigation access using the base administrative roles.
Feature Enhancements
Workflow: Comments field can now be set to mandatory in User Action activity
Capturing user actions along with user commentary are important when moving through a business process flow. Therefore, we now allow the ability to mark the comment field of a user action as mandatory.
How it works:
- Enable mandatory in the User Action activity in the workflow builder
- The actions buttons are disabled until the user enters commentary
Requiring a comment in a User Action activity
Buttons are disabled until a comment is entered
Workflow: "Do not Pause" allows parent workflows to continue to run when launching child workflows
Now you can keep parent workflows running without requiring to wait for a child workflow to complete. For example, let's say a new incident affects multiple assets, for each affected asset, you could start multiple risk assessment workflow that run independently from each other.
Survey: Making questions mandatory is now optional
More survey flexibility by allowing which questions you would like as mandatory or non-mandatory.
How it works:
- Simply enable the Mandatory option in the Question Properties of a survey question
- When the user takes on a survey, the complete button will only be enabled once all the mandatory questions have been answered.
Mandatory option on Question Properties dialogue
Example of mandatory and non-mandatory fields. The progress bar is calculated on the mandatory fields.
Note on existing surveys upgrade
All existing survey questions will be marked as mandatory to keep with the behaviour prior to the upgrade where all questions where mandatory by default.
Bug Fixes
- Calculations: The 'count' function is inconsistent between forms and reports due to null/fanout issue
- Calculations: The 'any' function returns true when it should return false for choice fields
- Calculations: The 'every' function returns false when it should return true for choice fields
- Charts: Drill down on non-pivot shows report instead of form on bar chart
- Form: DateTime display on the form and report are inconsistent
- New conditional formatting icons not displayed correctly when uploaded with certain sizes
- Reports: Cannot Edit Inline when report has Groupby, under certain conditions
- Password reset send email reporting as failed incorrectly
- Workflow: When a date is selected in a workflow the date that actually populates is the day before
- Workflow - User Input: Cannot filter by Choice field as you cannot see the choice field variable as a parameter