What are page components?

A Page Component generally refers to a modular and reusable unit of a user interface that is part of a Nova application. It is a self-contained module that performs a specific function or displays specific content. These components can be combined to create more complex and feature-rich pages.

Types of Page Components

  1. Horizontal & Vertical Container 

  2. Tab Container 

  3. Button 

  4. Image 

  5. Data Table 

  6. Chart 

  7. Hero Counter 

  8. Filter 

  9. Page Heading 

  10. Text 


To add components in a Nova application:

  1. First,  create a new Nova application or edit an existing one.

  2. Then, in the app builder create a new Nova page or go to an existing Nova page where you want to add the component.

  3. On the left-hand side expand the components section by clicking 


  1. Click, drag, and drop the component onto the builder canvas on the right side of your screen.

  2. Select SAVE to save the changes.

Review the component's properties and update if necessary. Feel free to experiment and combine more components to create your desired pages.