Adding Fields/Relationships to a page

To show fields or relationships on a shared page, you need to to create them within the form builder. Once they are on the object, you can access them using the Data adapter and place them on a NOVA shared page.

To add Fields or Relationships to a page:

  1.  After creating a shared page, in the app builder click Data adapters

  2. Notice on the right-hand side all the available fields and relationships for that particular object. These are sorted by field groups that were declared when the object was created.

  3. Find the field or relationship you wish to add, by scrolling down or searching the name in the search bar.

  4. Click, drag, and drop the field onto the builder canvas on the left side of your screen. 

  5. Drag the field to your desired position, and resize it if needed by dragging the right corner. 

  6.  Review its properties, and update if necessary.

  7. Click the SAVE button to save the changes.

To remove Field or Relationship to a page:

  1. Select the field or relationship you wish to remove.

  2.  Click on the delete icon. 

  3. Click the SAVE button to save the changes.