ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
End of Support for Internet Explorer
ReadiNow will be announcing the End of Support for Internet Explorer in the coming months, with the final date to be announced. More information such as the alternatives and impact can be read here.
New Features
Automatic User Provisioning
Previously there were several steps to provisioning users for SSO, which included setting up an User Account, a Person, and then linking the account to the SSO identity provider. These steps can now be done automatically when a user attempts to log in using SSO; if this feature is enable by checking the Auto provision users box show below, then when the identity provider successfully authenticates the user the ReadiNow platform will provision their account. The Claim mappings tab contains the mapping of fields that will be used in the process and must be configured before enabling this feature. See the SSO page for more details.
Configuration for automatic user provisioning
Examine Run
An additional trouble-shooting feature Examine Run has been added to the workflow run context menu.
Examine a workflow run
Selecting this option will lead to the Examine Run page, which shows the sequence of activities and duration of each. This screen will only have data for workflows that run after this platform upgrade.
Recent Items
An icon for navigation history has been added to the global toolbar at the top right; clicking the icon will drop down a list of the most recently viewed content with the most recent at the top. Surveys are excluded from the recent items menu.
Recently viewed content example
Conditional Formatting for Rich Text Fields
Conditional formatting can now be used on rich text fields, and the condition will be able to match regardless of the formatting of the text.
Bug Fixes
- Boards: Initial colour does not match legend
- Charts: Legend overlaps form on Internet Explorer 11
- Export: Excel export does not represent null values properly
- Export: Excel file throws an error when opened
- Forms: Unable to remove visibility calculation
- Mobile: Inconsistency in field sizes and mandatory flag icons
- Reports: Analyser hides the visibility icon when resized
- Reports: Group by is placing fields in the incorrect order
- Reports: Conditional formatting does not work with a calculated field
- Reports: Conditional formatting does not work for icons
- Reports: Rich text icons should be centre-aligned for value formatting
- Survey: "IN" operator is not working
- Survey: Sections are not in the correct sort order when answering a survey
- Survey: Questions can be deleted in view mode
- User Experience: Completed tasks show a blank screen
- User Experience: Freeze when 3 or more tabs are open
- Workflow: Cannot display variables assigned to a choice field
- Workflow: "Could not find a match of the correct type" error appears for a valid calculation
- Workflow: "Hide from" and "Hide to" flags are not respected for relationships
- Workflow: The user sees an error "exceeded maximum recursion depth"
- Workflow: Workflows can fail without a meaningful message