Release Notes for 2.105

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

Feature Enhancements

User Action workflow activity auditing

The "Keep History" setting in the User Action activity has now been separated into two independent settings to give the user greater granularity of setting options.

  1. Enable audit for user action - this is now a global setting for the workflow and will audit all the User Action activities for a given workflow.

  2. Keep completed task history - this will now only keep the completed tasks generated by the User Action activity.  By default, completed User Action tasks are deleted.

Prior to the upgrade, if you had enabled 'Keep History' on any User Action activity for a given workflow,  the upgrade to Release 2.105 will automatically take that setting and convert it to  Enable audit for user action  so your workflow will continue auditing the User Action activity changes.

Configurable task names in User Action workflow activity

Now you can customise the name of the task that is generated by the User Action activity.  These are the tasks that appear in a user Task report and User Messages.

Bug Fixes

  • Charts: Cannot hide the legend when you have 2 series
  • Forms: Help bubble on forms does not respect show/hide
  • Hierarchy Picker: link to existing for hierarchy replaced all other entries
  • Report : tenant admin user is not able to see right click menu for some of the system resources (as a result not able to export resource e.g. report/screen in xml )
  • Workflow: User Action - Timeout not closing task
  • Workflow: User Input - filtered lists, is not showing all relevant objects/choice fields
  • Workflow: While cloning a record, the newly created record gets the same "created date" as the original one
  • Workflow: Duplicate activity names in workflow throw errors on run validation