Password Policy

The Password Policy enables Administrators to set limits and restrictions on the types of passwords their users can create. You can use this feature to create a more secure system.

Configuring the password policy

To configure the password policy:

  1. Select Application Menu. The menu appears with available applications.
  2. Select Administration. The application displays at the landing page.
  3. In the Left Navigation Area, select Security. The Security expands to display list.
  4. Select Password Policy. The existing Password Policy displays.
  5. Select Edit and configure the following fields as required:
    • Maximum age (days): type the maximum password age in days
    • Minimum length: type the minimum password length
    • Must contain digits: select the checkbox if a digit is required for the password
    • Must contain lowercase characters: select the checkbox if a lowercase character is required for the passwords
    • Must contain special characters: select the checkbox if a special character is required for the passwords
    • Must contain uppercase characters: select the checkbox if a uppercase character is required for the passwords
    • Lockout duration: type the number of minutes a locked account remains locked
    • Invalid attempts: type the number of invalid logons before accounts are locked
  6. Select Save to save changes.

Screenshot: Configure the Password Policy

Changing your password

There are two scenarios where the password may need to be reset:

  • A user is logged in, but wants to change the password
  • A user has forgotten the username or password and can't log in

Changing your password when logged in

See Changing the Password.

Resetting the password from the login page

See Forgot your username or password