Calculation Operators




Data Type



Maths Operators (more)

Add+numeric, numeric< numeric Age + 10
Subtract-numeric, numeric numeric Age - Manager.Age
Multiply*numeric, numeric numeric Cost * Quantity
Divide/numeric, numeric numeric Cost / QuantityResult is always a decimal. 
Modulo%int, int int 10 % 7   (result is 3)

Remainder of integer division. See details.

Negate-numeric numeric -Age

String Operators (more)


string, string

 string Title + ' ' + [Last Name]

Joins multiple strings together. 

Logic Operators (more)

Notnotbool bool not [Is approver]'not' has a higher precedence than 'and'
Andandbool, bool bool Cost < 1000 and Quantity < 10'and' has a higher precedence than 'or'.
Ororbool, bool bool Cost >= 1000 or Quantity >= 10

Comparison Operators (more)

Less than<comparable, comparablebool Cost < 1000
Less than or equal<=comparable, comparablebool Cost <= 1000
Greater than>comparable, comparablebool Name > 'M'
Greater than or equal>=comparable, comparablebool Cost >= 1000
Equal=equatable, equatablebool Name = 'Peter Smith'
Not equal<>equatable, equatablebool Name <> 'Peter Smith'
Likelikestring, stringbool Name like 'Peter%'Supports % wildcards at either end.
Not Likenot likestring, stringboolName not like 'Peter%'Supports % wildcards at either end.
Is Nullis nullresourceboolDepartment is nullReturns true if a resource/relationship is not set
Membershipincomparable, comparablebool[Project].[Tasks] in ('Document','Test')
The search and option expressions can be scalar values, choice field values, or records.

List Operators (Where, Order By)

Wherewhereentity list, boolentity list[Direct Reports] where Name='Peter Smith'Applies a condition (bool)
Order byorder byentity list, comparableentity list[Direct Reports] order by Name

Note: Currently only a single ascending order can be applied.

Note: not supported for reports.

Notes on types:

  • Numeric types:  number (int), decimal, currency, percent
  • Comparable types:  All numeric types and date, time, date time, string
  • Equatable types:  All comparable types and yes/no (bool), GUID