User Action


Displays a form to the user and creates a user task. Also presents buttons at the top of the form for the user to progress the workflow. For example, a 'User Action' activity can be used to provide a manager with the ability to Approve or Reject an expense.


When a 'User Action' activity is used, it creates an 'Approval Task' for the specified person. This is a special type of task that links to another record. This task will be seen in any 'Task Report' accessible by the user, when the user opens the task, they will be presented with a form (as specified in the activity configuration). The user is also presented with buttons at the top of the form (corresponding to the specified user responses in the activity configuration). When the user selects one of the buttons, it will progress the workflow.




For PersonThe person who this action intended for
RecordThe record that will be presented to the person
FormThe form that will be presented to the person
PriorityThe priority of the task that is created
Task nameThe title of the task that is created as seen in a task list and user messages. If left blank, the task name will default to the name given on the User Action activity label
Due date/time

The date and time when the user activity is due

Time out date/timeThe date and time when the user activity will time-out
Keep completed task historyEnabling this option will keep the completed task in Task report, otherwise completed task is deleted permanently
Wait for next formIf there are multiple user actions in a row (with other activities in the middle), then enabling this option will pause the user's screen until the middle activities are complete, and then take the user to the next user action
Hide comment fieldRemoves the ability for the responding user to add a comment
Comment mandatoryIf enabled, the comment field is made mandatory and buttons are disabled until the user enters commentary.
Open in edit modeWhen the form is presented to the user, automatically put the form in edit mode
User ResponsesThe name of the buttons presented to the user. Defaulted to 'Approve' and 'Reject', however these defaults can be changed. The 'action summary' is text that can be added to the history log if the corresponding user response is selected

Parameters created




[Activity Name].completed byPersonThe person who completed the task
[Activity Name].completed taskRecordThe task created by the user action activity

Auditing on User Actions

Every time a user interacts with a user action activity, such as a click of the button, a record is saved to the audit log to track each time the workflow pauses.  To view the Audit log on a record, see either Record Audit Log or Contextual Audit Log.

Auditing on on User Action is a workflow setting rather than an activity setting, enabling the setting will automatically audit all User Action activities for a given workflow.

To enable the audit:

  1. Open the Workflow
  2. Select Workflow Properties and tick Enable audit for user action option. 

The format of the User Action Audit log is described below:



Name Field:

<Workflow Owner>(<Workflow Triggered by>)(<User Action Actioned By>)

Admin(john.smith)(jane.lowe) Updated 'Task 1'

Description FieldAssigned to: <Acting Person>, Due: <Due date>, Actioned By: <Actioned Person>,  Completed: <Completed date>, Action: <Action Summary>Assigned to: John Smith,  Due: 30/05/2017 3:35:42 AM, Actioned By: Jane Lowe, Completed: 30/05/2017 3:36:45 AM, Action: Approve