Log Retention Policies

Log Retention Policies provide a transparent way to manage the archiving frequency of your Record Audit Logs on a per log-type basis.  When logs are automatically 'archived', they are consolidated into files which are saved as zip files in a secure admin only section within the document library. 

Out of the box settings

Out of the box there are 5 log-types, they have the following settings (Max Days & Max Records show upper limits):




Max Days

Max Records

Alert Log Entry Retention Policy

Alert Log Entry




Log Entry Retention Policy

Log Entry

365 x 3

365 x 5


Managed Object Log Entry Retention Policy

Managed Object Log Entry

365 x 3

365 x 5


Security Audit Log Retention Policy

Audit Log Entry




Workflow Run Log Entry Retention Policy

Workflow Run Log Entry




Log Retention Policy Administration

In addition to configuring the OOTB audit settings, additional retention policies can be specified for specific audit types. The Administration screen for Audit Settings is located: Administration > Settings > Retention Policies.  Any additional retention policies will inherit upper-limits from the policy they derive from.

Retentition Policies Administration: The columns 'Maximum days' and 'Maximum records' show the current settings and can be adjusted from a minimum of 1 (day / record) up to the maximum for the policy type.

Viewing Archived Logs

Archived logs are stored indefinitely and Administrators can view them via the Document Library which is  located: Documents > Document Library > Purge Backups.  The Purge Backup files can be identified by purge date and log type, and downloaded by clicking on the file name. Downloaded log files can be opened with any 'zip' utility. To protect the integrity of the archived logs, the 'Purge Backups' folder can only be written to by the system and can be treated as a source of the truth.

Viewing Archived Logs:  Archived logs are stored indefintely in the documents library as zip files and can only be accessed by Administrators.