
Returns one of several results based on some condition.


case value
  when option1 then result1
  when option2 then result2
  else default
  when condition1 then result1
  when condition2 then result2
  else default


ArgumentData Type
optionany single-value
conditionbool (true/false)


The case keywords provides a convenient way to test for multiple conditions. It can be used in one of two ways:

  1. An initial value calculation is provided immediately after the case keyword, and that calculation result is then matched to one of several possible options.
  2. Or, no initial calculation is provided, but several true/false conditions are provided.

If multiple options match the value, or if multiple conditions result in true, then the first match determines the result value.

If a value search calculation is provided, then it may be a single-value or list calculation, resulting in a single bool (true/false) or list of bools respectively.

It is common that the options and results are simply hard-coded string values,  however any single-value calculation can be used for option, result, and default.

Default 'else' result

Optionally, an else keyword can be used to indicate the default result that should be returned if none of the other options were matched. If no no else keyword is provided, and none of the options are matched, then the result will be null


String comparisons are case insentive for the case keyword,  and for the ReadiNow platform in general.

Output data type

If the output data types do not match then a common data type that matches all the possible results will be used; for example, this will be a string if one of the results are a string data type.

It is recommended that calculations are written such that all outputs are of the same type.


Consistent with the way that nulls are treated in calculations (where a null value represents the idea that the value is unknown or unknowable):

  1. If an initial value is provided, and it is null, then none of the options will match, even if they also evaluate to null.
  2. If a list of conditions is used, and either side of the condition is null, then the condition will be false.

In either case, the default result will be returned.


  when [Input].[Country] = 'Australia' then 'citizen'
  when [Input].[City] = 'Sydney' then 'local'
  when [Input] is null then 'unspecified'
  else 'foreign'
case [Input].[Country]
  when 'Australia' then 'citizen'
  when 'New Zealand' then 'resident'
  else 'foreign'
case [Var]
  when 'Australia' then 'citizen'
  when 'Singapore' then 457
case [All Tasks].[Priority]
   when 'High' then 5
   when 'Low' then 1
/* tax bracket calculator - illustrative only */
    when [Gross Income] <= 18200 then 0
    when [Gross Income] <= 37000 then 0.19 * ([Gross Income] - 18200)
    when [Gross Income] <= 90000 then 3572 + 0.325 * ([Gross Income] - 37000)
    when [Gross Income] <= 180000 then 20797 + 0.37 * ([Gross Income] - 90000)
    when [Gross Income] >= 180000 then 54097 + 0.45 * ([Gross Income] - 180000)