Release Notes for 2.87

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features Summary

See "Feature Detail" for further details & screenshots.



Default LoginAllows the administrator to define where the user lands after logging in.
Scheduled ExportAllows the data to be exported into an excel or csv format on a defined scheduled.

Bug fixes

  • Forms: On a low resolution or when the browser is zoomed, the form buttons overwrite the record name.
  • Forms: When navigating to a new record if the user has scrolled down on a report, the scroll bar does not reset to the top of page. In some instances this will effectively hide buttons on the top of a page.
  • Multiline Field: Increase character limit to 100,000
  • Screen: Options for assign parent on hero text appears only after the screen is saved
  • Survey: Selecting the 'Use Existing' option for choice field does not bring up the choice values.

Known Issues

  • Charts: Refreshing chart on screen navigates to report rather than stay on screen.
  • Import Spreadsheet: progress reporting behaves inconsistently
  • Import Spreadsheet: unable to map all fields using safari on a mac, scroll bar doesn't come up for fields at the bottom as on windows.
  • IE Browser: Styling in few areas in IE browser is not consistent with other browsers
  • Reports: Cannot scroll down more than 200 records in some reports in certain circumstances
  • A New link in the Admin side panel for "Licence Information" is appearing. This will be removed in a later release as it relates to internal licence details