Release Notes 2.180 (24th August 2023)

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

Classic and Platform


File download and audit log features

In order to assist customers with Data Loss Detection and Prevention a new type of audit log has been added to the ReadiNow Platform. This new type of Audit log is called the File Download Audit Log and is created whenever a document is download from the platform. The purpose of this new log entry is to provide an auditable record of whenever a document, which is stored on the ReadiNow platform, is downloaded by a user.

A File Download Audit Log is created where the following occur;

  • Download of a document from the Document library
  • Download of a document from a Form
  • Sending of a document as an Email attachment
  • Uploading of a document from the ReadiNow platform to an FTP server

File Download Audit Log entries appears in the Event Log report that can be found under  Administration -> Audit in the ReadiNow console.

Each of these log entries contains the following properties;

  • Accessed file - link to the document that was downloaded
  • Accessed revision - the version/revision of the document that was downloaded
  • Correlation code - the correlation code of the download request
  • Downloaded by - link to the user who performed the download
  • Event time - the time of the download
  • File access operation - the type of document access that was performed. Options are: Download, Email Attachment, FTP Upload

Email Templates

Email templates is now included as a platform feature in Nova. Find out how to configure Email Templates!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the 'OK' button on 'Actions' when there are multiple workflows available for selection
  • Removed the unexpected display of 'info' button in all states of title bar in Nova and in React forms such as Email templates