Report Columns

Report columns can be added, removed and reordered ONLY in Report Builder mode. 

Report Columns can be resized in both report builder and view mode. 

Adding Report Columns

There are two ways to add Columns to the report.

  • With the check boxes

  • Drag and drop 

Selecting Check Boxes

To add columns to the report through check boxes:

  1. Go to the Report Builder
  2. Search or find field that you want to add to the report in the Left Navigation Area. 
  3. Select the first check box next to the field name to add the column. 

Drag and Drop

To add a column to the report using drag and drop:

  1. Go to the Report Builder
  2. Search or find field that you want to add to the report in the Left Navigation Area.
  3. Select and hold the field you want to add to the report. 
  4. Drag the field to the report header and drop it at the location where you want the column to appear. 

Removing Report Columns

Selecting Check Boxes

To remove columns from the report through check boxes:

  1. Go to the Report Builder
  2. Search or find field that you want to remove from the report in the Left Navigation Area. 
  3. Select to clear the first check box next to the field name to remove the field from the report. 

Drag and Drop

To remove a column from the report using drag and drop:

  1. Go to the Report Builder
  2. Search or find field that you want to remove from the report in the Left Navigation Area.
  3. Select and hold the column header of the column that you want to remove from the report. 
  4. Drag the field off the report header. The column is removed from the report. 

Reordering Report Columns

Columns can only be reordered with drag and drop. 

To reorder a column:

  1. Go to the Report Builder
  2. Select and hold the column header of the column that you want to rearrange.
  3. Drag and drop the column to the location on the report header where you want the column to appear. 

Resizing Report Columns

Reports columns can be resized either in the builder mode or view mode.

  • When report columns are resized in report builder the column sizes are saved as percentages as part of value formatting.
  • When report columns are resized in view mode the column sizes are saved as percentages in local session storage and will not affect the reports for another user as the changes are local to his machine. 
  • If the column width is resized by the end user in the report viewer, it will store the settings in local session storage and will override the value formatting widths.
  •  A context menu called Reset Column Width is shown for columns that have a custom width, which will reset the width of the column to default. 
  • The initial column size for Currency, Decimal, Integer, Bool, Time, Date, DateTime, Choice, Image column types is half the width of the other columns.
  • Any custom width will still override any initial width.