Using Global Search


The Global Search feature allows you to easily find any record, document, reports etc from anywhere within ReadiNow. 

Note: Global Search is disabled by default, for information about enabling and configuring Global Search please see: Configuring Global Search.

Global Search can be accessed throughout the ReadiNow Platform via the search icon located in the header. To cancel a search click outside the search window (or press 'escape').  This article explains how to use Global Search and covers:

Search Expressions

Keyword Matching

The most common type of search is where you simply enter a keyword into the search input.  For example you might search for an employee by entering their first name; or just the first few letter of their name. 

By default searching for 'David' will return any record, document, chart, etc. that contains the name David.  It will also return anything that contains (for example) 'Davidson'.  Note that results that represent an exact match  will appear higher in the search results.

Wild Cards

Global search supports wild card searches using '?' and '*' to represent a 'single character' and 'many characters' respectively. For example:

  • the '?' in d?g matches any single character and will return anything that contains: dig, dog, dag, etc.
  • the '*' in d*g matches any number of characters and will return items that contain: dig, ding, dragging, etc.

 Wild cards:

  • will NOT match white-space
  • will match non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. slashes, apostrophes, colons etc.)

Excluding Terms

Search results can be narrowed by excluding results that contain a specific term. You can exclude all items that contain a specific term by prefixing the term with a 'minus sign', for example: "find_this -but_not_this"

Entity ID

In addition to searching using text you can search directly on entity Ids.

Empty Expression

If you open Global Search but do NOT enter a search expression you will typically see a history of clicked search results; these are the last 10 recently visited search results. This list is updated every time you click on a search result. In addition to the recently visited list, you will also see any searches that you have saved (saving searches is explained below).

Search Results


Each result in the search results list provides an overview of what the item is. Search results are ordered by relevance, searches that match: headings, titles, names, etc. are prioritised over those that match 'body content'


As you scroll toward the bottom of the results list additional results will be loaded, if available. You can also use keyboard navigation (using the up/down arrow keys) to index through the list, however keyboard navigation does not cause more results to load when reaching the end of the list, instead the results wrap around to the top again.

You can navigate to a search result by clicking on the result (or by 'high-lighting' it using the keyboard up/down arrow keys and pressing enter).  Navigating to a search result: 

  • takes you to the corresponding item 
  • adds the result to your searches history  

The search history enhances navigation by allowing you to quickly and easily return to results, see Empty Expression

The basic behaviour to be expected when navigating to search results is as follows: 

  • If the selected item exists in the navigation tree, it will be navigated to
  • Boards, Charts, Reports, etc. will navigate to their 'default views'
  • Applications will navigate to the application's default landing page
  • All other items will navigate to their default Form view 

Search Options

Filter by Object / Resource Type

Search expressions can be refined by filtering against Object type. Object types can be selected via the 'Resources' drop-down. This will show a pop-up window containing available resource types.

Clicking the checkbox beside a resource will enable/disable it as well as all of its ancestors and descendants, this is useful for limiting your search to something specific, e.g. a 'Person'.

To locate a Type quickly, use the filter box at the top. Entering values in here will reduce the list of Types to only show those that contain a sub-string match. The filter can be cleared by clicking on the cross that appears to the right, once cleared all available nodes will be visible again.

Selecting / deselecting resources updates the search results in real time. The name of the button (and its tool-tip) change according to which resources are selected.

Document Types

Global Search can also index documents from your document library. Documents that are encrypted, password protected, or that use proprietary encoding will only be indexed based on file names etc. When you conduct a search you can choose to exclude specific document types by deselecting them from the search options. For example you can search for PDFs and MS Word documents but not Excel Spreadsheets.

Date Ranges

By default Global Search includes results from all dates. You can narrow search results according to when items were last modified date IF the item contains date data. 

NOTE: When a date range is specified results that do not contain date information are excluded.  

Saving Searches

You can save searches (expressions + search options) to reuse. Setup a search using as many of the features you wish and save the search with a descriptive name.  Saved searches appear in a list.