This article covers the configuration of credentials for:
- Scheduled Imports & Exports
- FTP Put & Fetch activities in Workflows
The platform supports:
- Username + Password
- Username + SSH Key
Username and Password
Username and Password credentials are supported for FTP, FTPS, and SFTP connections.
SSH Keys
SSH Key credentials are supported for SFTP connections only.
Paste the contents of your SSH private key file (e.g. `~/.ssh/id_rsa`) into the "Private key" field on the credential form.
- Password-protected SSH keys are not supported (SSH keys are encrypted within the platform).
- The platform only supports SSH keys in "PEM" OpenSSH format (not the new OpenSSH or `.ppk` format).
- to create a new Private Key (in the classic OpenSSH PEM format) use the command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM
- to convert an existing key file to the classic OpenSSH PEM format, use the command:
ssh-keygen -p -f my_key_file -m pem -P "my password" -N ""
(if your key is not password-protected, replace "my password" with "" ).
FAQ: Can ReadiNow provide my company with a SSH Key?
No. Private keys must remain private therefore ReadiNow can not create or manage private or public keys for your tenant. Private Keys are entered as plain text and immediately encrypted when the security settings are saved.
Add a Credential
You must be logged in with Administrator privileges to create and manage credentials.
Credentials management for FTP showing SSH Key configuration.
The steps to configure credentials are:
- Navigate to: Administration > Integration > Remote Credentials.
- Select +NEW and choose a credential type (or open an existing credential).
- Enter a descriptive name for the credential
- Enter the 'user name' for the credential.
- Enter other information as/if required (depends on credential type).
- Save.
The Configuration report on the Credential form lists where the credentials are used.
- When updating configuration for a SSH Key Credential (e.g. changing the name of the configuration record) you will be required to re-enter the Private SSH Key.