
Key areas of the ReadiNow page layout are as follows:

  1. User menu - the user menu contains the following functions from left to right:
    • Administration mode (the spanner icon, which appears only for users with the administrator role)
    • Application menu 
    • User account menu
    • Recent items
    • Open tasks
    • Documentation
    • Maximise content (hides the tab menu and user menu)
  2. Tab menu
    • Tabs are used to distinguish sections within an application
  3. Left menu
    • Contains sections based on the context of the currently selected tab
    • Click each section to expand it and see the list of pages it  holds
    • The left menu can be hidden by clicking the < arrow at the top of the left menu
    • The left navigation can be customised by administrators
  4. Main content area
    • The main content of each page is presented here
    • Pages can show different types of content such as reports, forms, charts and screens