

Duplicate a record or clone an record from one object to another object.




RecordThe record that is to be cloned

The object to clone to. This can be the same object as the source object or a different object

Note: This destination object can be the same object or a different object. If it is the same object, all fields will be copied across. If its a different object, fields of the same name and type will be copied across automatically.

Field or relationship to update

Update additional fields or relationships. This is in addition to what is automatically copied as above.

Two part setting.

  1. Select the field or relationship to update
  2. Select the value to update

Note: If updating a relationship, two additional options are displayed

  1. Replace: Replace the current linked records
  2. Add related record: allows multiple records to be linked via this relationship
Add field or relationshipAdd another setting row to update further fields or relationships

Parameters created




[Activity Name].RecordRecordThe record created by the clone activity

Additional Notes

  • Resource Keys can be set to restrict duplicate records. Ensure the cloned record does not violate any resource keys for that object otherwise it will fail to clone.
  • Relationships are clones based on the relationship type. A property called 'Clone' is set based on the following options:
    • Drop - this relationship is dropped when record is cloned so the new record will have this relationship empty
    • Clone References - Will copy the relationship to the same record e.g. if Owner is Clone Reference, then the new record will point to the same Owner.
    • Clone Entities - A copy of the destination is also made and the new record will point to the new destination e.g. If Course has Notes with Clone Entities set, then cloning the Course will also clone all the notes, and the new notes will be linked to the new course.