ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
New Features
Send Email Workflow Activity
The Reply Address Type can now be specified in the Send Email Workflow Activity.
Reply Address Type options
There are three options available:
- No Reply - replies to emails generated by this Workflow activity will be addressed to
- Reply to Inbox - replies to emails generated by this Workflow activity will be routed to the specified Inbox that has been configured on the Platform
- From Name / Address - replies to emails generated by this Workflow activity will be sent to the specified Name/Address
Custom Form Validation
The ability to define Custom Form Validation via a calculation has been implemented.
Custom Form Validation Tab
- Validation Calculation : The calculation used to validate the value for this field - this calculation must return a Boolean value
- Error Message : The message the user will see whenever the validation calculation above returns as False
- Always Validate :
- Checked - This field will be validated on new record creation, or whenever this record has been updated, even if this field or any referenced fields used for the validation have not modified. This approach would be taken if it has been determined that a particular field needs to be continuously validated on creation and any subsequent edits, such as an 'Estimated Completion Date' or something similar
- Unchecked - This field will only be validated on new record creation, or when the value of this field or any referenced fields used for validation have been changed. Validation will not run if only unrelated fields are modified on this record. An example of using this approach is where a Date field is validated such it cannot be in the past at time of record creation, but it is not a meaningful check to continue on subsequent edits - such as 'Original Due Date' or something similar
Custom Form Validation Usage
- Custom Form Validation is supported for standalone edit Forms, edit forms on screens and inline editing
- Validation is performed only as a record is being saved - not whenever fields on the record are changed
- Custom Form Validation is not available for Read Only fields - marking a field as Read Only will hide the Custom Form Validation tab and any content will be ignored
- Using a Custom Form Validation will in effect make that field mandatory, unless specified by the calculation expression to allow null values
- Custom Form Validation based on a field that is hidden due to a visibility calculation is not supported. All referenced fields in a Custom Form Validation calculation must be visible on the form
- Records that have been imported are not subject to Custom Validation
- Custom Validation based on the AutoNumber field is not supported
- Removal of a field from a Form that is being used in a Custom Validation Expression will not remove those field references from those expressions and they will still be evaluated
- Please exercise care when creating multiple Validation Calculations as it is possible to create circular references
- Document version is now displayed on the Document Revision Form
- Browsing through Activities in a large Workflow will now be more responsive
- Improved handling of invalid Cron schedules
- Implemented checks in Workflow Builder to prevent the inadvertent creation of closed loops
Bug Fixes
- Choice Fields: Cascaded choice fields now work correctly when a user initiates a Workflow on a Form
- Documents: The Ability to recover Word Documents from the Document History has been restored
- Import/Export: Importing/Exporting after logging in again after a session time-out now works as expected
- Survey: In the rare cases where deadlock recovery is required, this will no longer create duplicate Survey Tasks
- Workflows: Improved deadlock recovery when multiple Workflows are running in parallel interacting with the same set of records