
Themes can be applied to a specific application or to the entire platform.

Creating a new theme

To create a new theme:

  1. Select Application Menu. The menu appears with available applications.
  2. Select Administration. The application displays at the landing page.
  3. In the Left Navigation Area, select Settings. The Settings expand to display list.
  4. Select Themes. The existing Themes display.
  5. Select +NEW. The Console Theme form appears.
  6. Type the name for the Console Theme in the Name field.
  7. Type the description for the Console Theme in the Description field.
  8. In the Application field, select the Pencil icon. The Select Application dialog appears.
  9. Select the application you want and select OK.
  10. Complete the details as described in the next steps and select Save to save the Console Theme.

Applying a Theme

To apply a theme, go to General Settings and specify the "Tenant theme" .

Themed Areas of ReadiNow

There are four areas of the platform and you can select the required images / logo / colour for the platform / application.

  • Header area
  • Top Navigation area
  • Left Navigation area
  • General Content area

Complete the details as described in the next steps for each area.

Header Area

  1. Background colour - Colour for the header of the platform / application
  2. Background Image - Image appears at the header of the platform / application
  3. Background image repeat - Enable this if the background image needs to be repeated
  4. Text colour - Colour of the text on the header of the platform / application. Generally an application name which sits on the header area is displayed with this colour
  • If both background image and background colour is set, then only the background image is displayed on the header
  • If you want to display a background colour, then leave the background image field empty.

Top Navigation Area

  1. Background colour - Colour for the top navigation part of the platform / application
  2. Background image - Image appears at the top navigation of the platform / application
  3. Background image repeat - Enable this if the background image on the top navigation needs to be repeated
  4. Tab style - User can select a style for the tabs in the platform / application
  5. Selected tab colour - Colour for the selected tab
  6. Selected tab border colour - Colour of the border of the selected tab
  7. Selected tab font colour - Colour of the title of the selected tab on the top navigation
  8. Unselected tab colour - Colour for the unselected tab on the top navigation
  9. UnSelected tab font colour - Colour of the title of the unselected tab

Left Navigation Area

  1. Background colour - Colour for the left navigation part of the platform / application
  2. Mobile Background colour - Colour appears on the left navigation part of the platform on Mobile only
  3. Background image - Image appears at the left navigation of the platform / application
  4. Background image repeat - Enable this if the background image on the left navigation needs to be repeated
  5. Font colour - Colour of the title of the elements appearing on the left navigation 
  6. Selected element colour - Colour of the selected element on the left navigation
  7. Selected font colour - Colour of the title of selected element on the left navigation

General Content Area

  1. Title font colour - Colour of the Form and Report title
  2. Container heading font colour - Colour of the heading of the container
  3. Container heading line colour - Colour of the line of the container
  4. Form selected tab colour - Colour of the selected tab on the form
  5. Form selected tab font colour - Colour of the title of selected tab on the form
  6. Form unselected tab colour - Colour of the unselected tab on the form
  7. Form unselected tab font colour - Colour of the title of unselected tab on the form
  8. Report header colour - Colour for report header
  9. Report header font colour - Colour for the title of the columns
  • You need to refresh the browser to see the changes.