ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.
New Features
New currentuser() function
- A new function in the calculation language, currentuser()
- Returns the record that represents the User Account of the current user
- You can access fields and relationships from it.
- Example: currentUser().[Account Holder] will return the Person's name
- Support for both workflows, reports, and other places where calculations are used.
Some ideas of where this feature could help you:
- Write workflows that performs calculations based on a user
- Show/Hide buttons on a form based on a user
- Highlight information in a report based on a user
Show/Hide currentuser() example
See Calculation Functions and Operators for more detail.
Feature Enhancements
Renamed "User Account-Person" relationship
Based on user feedback, we have updated the User Account-Person relationship names.
The lookup from User account to Person, formerly called “User account”, is now “Account holder”. In the opposite direction, rename the relationship from Person to User account, formerly called “Person has user account”, is now “User accounts.
Existing calculations will continue to work with the old names. It is recommended that you start using the new relationships name when creating any new calculations or modifying existing calculations.
Renamed User Account-Person relationship
Feature Removal
Tenant Rollback
Due to some performance issues identified with the Tenant Rollback, this feature has temporarily removed.
If you would still like to perform a tenant rollback, please contact Support.
Bug Fixes
- Chart: Legend in charts with DateTime as Primary, shows value ‘NaN/NaN/0NaN NaN:NaN PM' for blank Date/Time fields
- Export: Export to Excel fails when there is a 0x10 hexadecimal character in the data being exported
- Export: Export to Excel of a report with "\ /" in name failed
- Reports - Calculation: count([Child Organisation Levels]!recursive!self.[Organisation Assets]) giving incorrect value on report
- Reports: Cannot sort of fields with '>' '<' characters in them
- Reports: Report shows no data if sorted on [Modified Date] descending
- Screen: Saving a new screen causes some other reports which are in the same folder to be modified at the same time when the screen was saved
- Twilio: Delivery status is not being updated correctly
- Workflow: Workflow fails with internal error and server error while running Get Records activity when selected report is configured in certain manner