Release Notes for 2.88

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features Summary




Tenant RollbackThe tenant rollback feature allows Administrators to rollback changes to your tenant to a selected restore point. Generally you can rollback up to five calendar days or until the last ReadiNow upgrade. In some circumstances a rollback may not be possible due to the number of changes in a given period. Refer to the documentation link for more information.Tenant Rollback
SAMLReadiNow now supports SAML as an external identity provider for authentication.SAML

Feature Enhancements 

Audit Log Changes

  • Audit log character limit now increased to 100,000 characters

Create Link Workflow Activity

  • Create Link Activity in workflow, now gives the ability to specify a specific 'form' to open

User Interface Enhancements




1Context menu's for left hand navigation elements has been made consistent 

2More options added to the report configuration menu. This allows the user to access the form builder of the underlying form from this report configuration menu 

3A note now appears in all builders to "Drag and drop" to page.

4Styling change to the "New" button on reports to make it more distinct

Bug fixes

  • Calculations: Using nested iff and select statement causes calculation to crash report
  • Calculated fields on form not refreshing when relationships are changed via inline edit.
  • Form builder not working properly when trying to create inherited objects in certain circumstances

Known Issues

  • Calculations: Recursive calculation doesn't work correctly for related resource
  • Screen Builder: Assign Parent functionality on screen may not always be applied
  • Connected lookup not working consistently when master field is Read Only
  • Undertaking Tenant Rollback may require clearing of browser cache
  • Undertaking Tenant Rollback may remove links to certain images