Examining Workflow Runs

Administrators can trouble-shoot workflow execution by using the Examine context menu option.

Navigating to the new Examine feature from the workflow run's context menu

This will show summary page with details that can be separately enabled. The blue buttons toggle the detail shown below them, and the number of buttons shown depends on what activities are in the workflow, as well as the state of the workflow; for example, a workflow will have state information while if is paused or running that is not available once it is complete.  Clicking in the toolbar will toggle the display of the various types of data available, where items with the blue are shown and those with grey are hidden.

An example of state information for a paused workflow

The same workflow once it is completed

State information


This the input parameter(s) to the workflow, which link to the object's view form.


 The current variable values are shown in this section.

Steps taken 

 This is the ordered sequence of activities (limited to the last 200).

Time in activities 

 Summary activity information is shown here in milliseconds, divided into preparation time (Total evaluate inputs) and running time (Total run).

Total Evaluate Inputs

This is the preparation time taken for all an activity's parameters to be evaluated, including calculation of any calculation parameters.

This Run Workflow activity has a single input parameter

The Run Workflow activity had only one parameter without any calculations, so Total evaluate inputs was zero.

Total Run

This is the time take for the execution of an activity, excluding the preparation time.  Expect this to be high for user interaction, network communication, or processing numerous records; conversely, it would be low for the Assign to Variable or Gateway activity.

Activity outputs 

These are tasks generated by the workflow, such as from a Launch Person Campaign or User Action activity.

Child runs

This section lists workflows that were initiated from the current workflow by a Run Workflow activity. The workflow name can be selected to navigate to the child workflow.