
A Choice field is a control that enables the user to choose from defined a group of option values.
There are two Types of Choice field:
  • Single select, choose one value from a list
  • Multi select, choose more than one values from a list
When you define a new choice field, indicate whether it is Single or Multi select before you save the field.

General field properties can be found in General Field Properties.
  • Option values can re-use existing choice field for available option values
  • Option values can be imported from file
  • Can be defined as Mandatory
  • Can define default value
  • Internally, it is a relationship to choice field entity

Conditional formatting can be applied to the choice field values. When this is applied, the conditional format will be displayed on the form (in view mode) and by default on a report, when that choice field is added to a report. To learn more about Conditional formatting on reports, see Conditional Formatting on Reports

To Set Conditional Formatting on Choice field values

  1. Open the form that contains the choice field
  2. Use the spanner to Modify Form
  3. Hover over the choice field and Select Properties button for the choice field to open properties dialog. 
  4. Select the type of formatting  to apply from the Format Dropdown. 
  5. For each of the Choice Values select the format  to apply.
  6. Select OK.

  • Display Text option is only able to be checked/unchecked for Icon formatting