Navigation Access grants a User Role the access to see a specific navigation item.
Navigation Access is about access to a navigation item. Record Access should be granted to allow any non-admin user to see all or partial records.
Granting navigation access
To grant navigation access:
- Select Application Menu. The menu appears with available applications.
- Select Administration. The application displays at the landing page.
- In the Left Navigation Area, select Security. The Security expands to display list.
- Select User Roles. The existing User Roles display.
- Select the user role you want and select ACTION. The menu appears.
- Select Edit. The user role displays.
- Select Navigation Access tab.
- In Application field select down arrow and select the application from drop-down list, e.g. Foster University.
Granting navigation access
9. Select the checkbox next to the item you want to grant the navigation access to.Granting navigation access to an item
10. Select SAVE to save the user role.