ReadiNow API Callouts can connect to Microsoft Azure APIs by using OAuth 2.0 authentication.
Azure offers two permission models:
- Application - where a software application such as ReadiNow connects to an API service on its own behalf
- Delegated - where a software application is connecting to an API service on behalf of a specific end user
This page describes how to configure API Callouts to connect using the Delegated model.
Note that ReadiNow API Callout requests are made on behalf on a fixed nominated account, not on behalf of the currently logged in users. As such they are not truely delegated, and it is generally more appropriate to use the Application Permission model. However, the delegated model is still supported to handle cases where the API being called only offers support for delegated permissions.
Additional information can also be found in the Microsoft Azure reference at: Configuring a client application to access web APIs
The following sample demonstrates how to:
- configure Azure to receive connections using the delegated permission model
- configure ReadiNow API Callouts to authenticate with Azure
Once complete, refer to Connecting to Azure APIs to extend the sample to set up specific API endpoints and call them using a workflow.
Note: the following is provided as an example to illustrate connecting to the Azure APIs in general, and use the Azure 'users' API as an example. If you wish to achieve automatic provisioning, then use the single-sign-on provisioning mechanism.
Configure Azure
The following steps will configure Azure to receive a connection from the ReadiNow platform, and grant sufficient permission for the ReadiNow API Callout to request information about users.
- Register an application
- Log into the Azure portal
- Select Azure Active Directory on left, or locate it under All services
- Select App Registrations
- Click the New Application Registration button
- Enter a name for the application registration, such as "ReadiNow - Delegated Permission Sample"
- Leave Supported account types as the default optionand blank options respectively.
- Select Client Application for the Platform configuration - this corresponds to
- Click the Register button at the bottom of the screen
- Configure the authorization
- You should automatically be redirected to the Authentication page (or select Authentication on the left)
- Click the Add a platform button (under the Platform configurations section)
- On the right, click the Web tile (Single page apps, Web apps)
- Enter a Redirect URL value of: (where tenantname is your ReadiNow tenant name, or more generally use the same host name that you use to connect open ReadiNow in a web browser)
- Click the Configure button at the bottom right
- Configure the application
- An application information screen such as the following will be presented
- Make a note of the Application (client) ID - you will need this in a later step
- An application information screen such as the following will be presented
- Configure a Client Secret
- A client secret can be thought of as a password for an application, such as the ReadiNow platform, rather than a person.
- Click Certificates & secrets on the left hand margin
- Click the New Client secret button
- Select an expiry date and click the Add button
- A new value will appear such as: LjVYHK9r0oCUCMutAN5QUU4vzgu@X=_: in the client secrets table
- Immediately copy it to a notepad document, or similar. This is the OAuth client secret. It cannot be recovered later.
- Configure permissions that are needed to access the API
- Click on API permissions in the left margin
- Click the Add a permission button
- Click on the Microsoft Graph tile (or whichever API service you wish to access via ReadiNow API Callouts)
- Select Delegated permissions
- Locate and enable the User.Read.All permission (or whichever permissions are required for the API you intend to call)
- Click the Add permissions button at the bottom of the panel
- The new permission will appear in the permissions table
- Certain API permissions, such as User.Read.All, require explicit consent to be granted by an administrator.
- Click the Grant admin consent for account button
- A Microsoft login window will appear
- Login, review the permissions granted, and click the Accept button
- Keep the Azure window open for further configuration steps later
Configure ReadiNow API Callouts
The following steps will start to prepare a new API Callout library in ReadiNow to connect to Azure.
- Create a new API Callout
- Log into ReadiNow
- Go to Administration / Integration / API Callouts
- Click the New button to create a new API Callout
- Name it "Azure Delegated Sample"
- Leave the Base URL blank
- Set the message format to JSON
- Configure authentication
- On the Authention tab, set the Authentication method to OAuth 2.0
- Ensure that the Grant Type is set to Client Credentials - this corresponds to the Azure 'Application permission' type
- Set the Client ID to the Application (client) ID value provided by Azure in previous steps
- Set the Client Secret to the value provided by Azure in previous steps
- Set the Token URL to: (where is your ActiveDirectory domain, such as
- Set the Authorization URL to: (where is your ActiveDirectory domain, such as
- Set the Additional params to: resource: This indicates to Azure which Azure API service the authentication token will be allowed to access.
- Click the Save button - do not click the Update Access button yet
- Check that the OAuth Redirect URL shown is the same as was provided to Azure in previous steps
- Perform the OAuth grant
- Click on the green Grant access button
- An Azure login page might pop-up (or more likely it will remember that you are already logged into the portal).
- Log in using the account that should be used for the purpose of making API calls (which is ideally not the same as your admin account).
- If you are not prompted for login details, and you need to use a different account, then log out of the Azure portal now and try again.
- You should then be presented with an Azure "Allow Access?" screen.
- Click Accept, at the bottom. Note: this might not appear either if you're re-granting.
- You should see a message saying that you are now authorized.
Next Steps
Azure and ReadiNow are now both configured so that ReadiNow callouts can connect to Azure.
Read Connecting to Azure APIs to continue building the sample to:
- create a API Callout endpoint to request user details
- create a workflow that uses the API Callout and processes results