Release Notes 2.193 (05 September 2024)

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.


Nova features

Navigation: Menu Enhancements 

The menu in Nova applications has been improved to clearly indicate the currently active page within folders.

Additionally, the overall look and feel of the menu have been enhanced for better usability. For menus with a large number of items, navigation is now more intuitive. If the menu bar exceeds the screen width, arrow icons will appear at both ends. Hovering over these arrows will allow users to scroll the menu left and right seamlessly.

Process: Enhanced Looping to Parent Blocks

Previously, the Process feature only allowed navigation back to a stage level, limiting your ability to return to specific blocks within a stage. With this new enhancement, you can now configure your process to loop back to a specific parent block within a stage. Each stage can contain multiple parent blocks, and you can easily set up your process to navigate back to any of these blocks as needed.

Process: Action Dialog

The new Action Dialog feature enhances user interaction by allowing users to confirm actions, input additional details, or view specific information before proceeding to the next step. You can now configure customizable dialogs that appear as modals when users perform actions, such as clicking a button. This feature enables you to display information and gather user input directly within the process, creating a more interactive and user-friendly experience. 

  • Information Dialogs: Display relevant information or details after a step, providing users with additional context, instructions, or updates.
  • Confirmation Dialogs: Gather user confirmation or input, ensuring that users verify actions or provide necessary information before moving forward.

Forms: Cascading Fields

Cascading fields allow you to filter one field based on the selection of another. This functionality can be configured between the following field types:

  • Choice and Lookup fields
  • Choice and Inline Relationship fields
  • Two Choice fields (displayed as Radio or Checklist)
  • Lookup and Choice fields
  • Inline Relationship and Choice fields
  • Inline Relationship and Lookup fields
  • Two Inline Relationship fields

For detailed guidance on setting up cascading fields, please refer to this article in our documentation.

Inline Editing: General Availability 

The inline editing feature, introduced in Release 2.191, is now generally available with the following improvements:

  • Fixed an issue where records with errors were being saved alongside records without errors.
  • Updated custom validation to respect the ‘Always Validate’ settings during the saving process.

Nova Bug Fixes

  • The error message displayed when the input binding does not match the column or filter analyzer in the data table has been enhanced to provide clearer and more meaningful information.

Deprecated Features 

Withdrawal of Calendar Feature in Classic

ReadiNow is withdrawing the classic calendar feature, resulting in the removal of calendar functionalities, including the creation and selection of calendar items and navigation views. Your data will remain intact and accessible via an alternative report view. 

For more details, including timing, please refer to this notice:  Withdrawal of Calendar Feature in Classic