Release Notes for 2.81

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features Summary

See "New Feature Detail" for further details & screenshots.

Changes to Login BehaviourChanges to a user's login location

Feature Changes



More enhancements to Survey module.

Bug fixes:

Bug fixes to the following areas:

  • Form builder : Actions once set on the form could not be removed.
  • Survey: Progress bar does not track changes to text correctly.
  • Survey: The questions loses the ID on the survey form if we add the order and weight to the questions.
  • Navigation pane appears on landing page once entering builder mode
  • Form action buttons: issues closing the 'action button dialogue window'
  • Other miscellaneous bugs

Known Issues

  • Survey Campaign - unable to create survey campaigns via workflow
  • Forms: Placing the relationship reports in a container in a certain order can appear squashed. 
  • Mobile: Issues around creating related records on mobile devices

New Feature Detail

Changes to Login Behaviour

Changes have been made to the login behaviour to take users straight into applications (by passing the landing page) in certain circumstances. A user will either:

  • Navigate to the last application they used on that browser
  • If it's the first time login from a particular browsers, then the user will navigate directly into the first application available to them (ignoring "Home" App and "Admin" app).

Known Issue: some users have reported inconsistent login location behaviour, we are currently working on a resolution and in addition; working on enhancing this feature to allow admins to define the default login location per user.