
Returns the minimum value from a list of values.




ArgumentData Type
inputcomparable value list
resultcomparable value


The min function can be used with various data types, and behave as follows:

  • Numeric
    • min returns the lowest value. That is, the number closest to negative infinity.
  • Date-only, Time-Only, Date-Time
    • min returns the earliest value.
  • Strings
    • min returns the first value, when values are in alphabetical order
  • Choice field values
    • min returns the choice value that is considered most minimum, which is to say the choice value that appears earliest on the list of values in the Choice Field Properties page.

Note: it is also possible to show the minimum value of a column in a report without writing a calculation by using column totals  or by summarising a report relationship.


The following calculation assumes it is run in the context of a hypothetical purchase order record that has multiple items, each with a numeric 'weight' field. It returns the numeric weight value of the lightest item.


The following calculation assumes it is run in the context of a person. It returns the priority level of the lowest in-progess task related to that user. For example, if the person has low, medium and high priority tasks in progress, the result will be 'Low'

min([Assigned Tasks].[Priority] where [Status]='In Progress')