Aggregate Functions


Returns the number of items in a list. Function count(input) Arguments Argument Data Type input record list result integer Comments Returns the number of items in a list. Note: it is also possible to count the number of rel...
Returns true if some condition is met for any record in a list of records. Or alternatively, can be used to return true if at least one record is found. Function any(condition) any(records) Arguments Argument Data Type condition B...
Returns true if some condition is met for every record in a list of records. Returns true for an empty list.  Function every(condition) every (records) Arguments Argument Data Type condition Boolean list result Boolean Co...
Returns the sum of all the input values. Function sum(input) Arguments Argument Data Type input numeric list result numeric Comments Returns the sum of all the input values. Note: The ReadiNow platform cannot always handle...
Returns the average (mean) of all the input values. Function avg(input) Arguments Argument Data Type input numeric list result decimal Comments Returns the average of all the input values. The input data can be any numeric d...
Returns the statistical standard deviation of all the input values. Function stdev(input) Arguments Argument Data Type input numeric list result numeric Comments Returns the statistical standard deviation of all the input v...
Returns the maximum value from a list of values. Function max(input) Arguments Argument Data Type input comparable value list result comparable value Comments The max  function can be used with various data types, and behav...
Returns the minimum value from a list of values. Function min(input) Arguments Argument Data Type input comparable value list result comparable value Comments The min  function can be used with various data types, and behav...
Joins a list of strings together. Function join(input, [separator]) Arguments Argument Data Type input string list separator string result string Comments Joins a list of strings together using the separator . The defau...