Responding to a Survey

Survey Tasks are created for each recipient, see Launching a Survey. The survey is accessed via any Task report such as My Tasks report in the Home application.  Alternatively, a notification with a link can be set up to alert survey recipients that a survey is waiting for them.

To respond to a survey:

  1. Select the Survey Task from the Task report. This opens the Survey.
  2. Click on Pencil icon to drop down list exists, select a record to target the survey against.
  3. If a record is displayed at the top of the survey, this is the chosen record that is required to target the survey against.
  4. Alternately, there may be no records to target against the survey.
  5. The survey can be saved at any time.
  6. The user can close and go back to the Survey by selecting the Survey Task in the Task report,
  7. Once all the questions have been answered and Progress is 100%, select Complete.