API Callout

This is a task that requires technical skills.

The following is necessary to consume an API :

  1. API documentation
  2. An API account (unless it is a public service that has no authentication)

Step 1: Configuring an API Callout

The API documentation must provide the following:

  1. authentication scheme (API key, basic, custom and OAuth are supported)
  2. data format (JSON, text and XML are supported)
  3. the URL 
  4. sample requests and responses

See Configuring an API Callout and for examples and instructions to set up the API; once configured it can be consumed in workflows using the API Callout activity as described in the same article. 

Step 2: Consuming the API in a Workflow

After adding the API Callout activity, subsequent activities in the workflow can then access the output of the API callout as variables. If the API Callout activity was not renamed then the output is referenced by [API Callout.Reponse] and any value in the output can be referenced by following the schema as shown in Configuring an API Callout.

Data integration that relies on external systems and third parties can easily stop working. It is worth checking the API response codes in the workflow to ensure that API failures generate notifications or take alternative steps, otherwise a broken integration could go unnoticed.