Release Notes for 2.75

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

New Features Summary

See "New Feature Detail" for further details & screenshots.


Inline Editing for number, decimal currency & lookup fields

(Pre-Release only to 'pilot' customers)

Ability to edit a record in a report; this now includes number, currency, decimal & lookup fields.

Bug fixes:

Bug fixes to the following areas:

  • Charts: Issues relating date formats on charts
  • Inline editing: on conditionally formatted columns
  • Inline editing: showing validation errors incorrectly
  • Inline editing: other misc inline editing bugs
  • Other miscellaneous bugs

Known Issues:

(warning) General: Web page cached after upgrade

After a product update, some users are running older cached web page code instead of the latest code. This can cause unpredictable issues throughout the product. If you experience product issues, please check the page version, and if necessary refresh the page by clicking "reload" or pressing F5. The page version is located in the bottom left corner after logged in. Two version numbers appear, and both must start with 2.75.

We are progressively taking steps to resolve this issue, thank you for your patience. Changes have been made to resolve this issue and should take effect in this release or next 2.76 release (depending on the timing of individuals browser caches refresh). 

Form Builder: Cannot save new object after opening 'properties' of a system field

When creating a new object, if you attempt to add any 'system' field to the form (e.g. Name, Description, Created Date, Modified date etc) and then open the 'properties' of that field (prior to saving), you will be unable to save the form.  In the interim, please save the object prior to opening properties of system fields on unsaved objects. Note, this only occurs on the creation of a new object. This issue will be fixed in a subsequent release.

New Feature Detail

Inline Editing (Number, currency, decimal & lookup fields)

  • This feature is in 'Pre-release'. Please contact your ReadiNow representative if you would like access to this feature.
  • On any report, click on "Edit Inline" button above the report. This will then enable inline editing on records of that report
  • Click to edit a row
  • Once all desired changes are made, click 'Save Changes' to save all changes in one batch
  • Note: a field is only inline editable if:
    • It is a text, choice, Yes/No, currency, decimal, number or lookup field. 
    • You have security record access to modify the selected record
    • The field is on the form relating to that report.
    • The field is not set to 'read only' on the form relating to that report 

Known Issues

  • When editing a lookup (via inline edit on report) the picker report occasionally shows misaligned values