Release Notes 2.190 (13 June 2024)

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.


Nova features

Document fields can be modified via the Nova app builder

We are streamlining the app configuration process to help you customise your app more efficiently.  The object schema can be modified to add new  Document fields without the need to use the classic form builder. 🚀🔧

These updates will occur over several releases.  Our fifth release focuses on creating and modifying Document fields.

Previous releases of this feature have improved:

  1. Text and numeric fields. See here.
  2. All the datetime fields. See here.
  3. Calculation and lookup fields. See here.
  4. Relationship. See here.

Cancelling file uploads during document upload

Users have greater control over document uploads with the introduction of a cancellation feature. Whether uploading a single file or multiple files, users now have the flexibility to cancel uploads that are in progress or queued.

Within the document upload modal dialog, a "Cancel" button is now accessible for files labeled as "In progress" or "In queue". By clicking the "x" button associated with the respective file, users can promptly cancel the upload or remove the file from the queue.  The cancel feature allows for quick adjustments based on changing requirements.

Platform features

Assign to Variable workflow activity has been improved

The Assign to Variable workflow activity has been updated to better support list variables. This activity can now add to or remove records from a list variable.

A new dropdown called Action has been added to the Assign to Variable configuration panel. This dropdown appears only when the variable is of type Record List.

Action controls how the variable is updated. The following options are supported:

  1. Replace List. The variable is overwritten or replaced with the record(s) from the Value field.
  2. Append To List. The record(s) from the Value field are appended to the record(s) in the variable.
  3. Remove From List. The new record(s) are removed from the record(s) in the variable.

Modifications to the User Message workflow activity   

The workflow activity User Message has been enhanced: 

  • Improved Management of Message Status:
  • Clicking on an individual user message icon in the header no longer marks all messages as read, providing a more intuitive experience.
  • Enhanced Functionality
    A new icon has been introduced, empowering users to mark all messages as read with ease. This addition streamlines the process, ensuring efficient management of message status.
  • Persistent Unread Messages
    Messages will retain their unread status until either the specific message or the "read all" icon is clicked, ensuring users can prioritize their attention effectively.

Bug Fixes

Classic & Platform resolved issues

  • Debug runs now display complete information of the run when accessed from the Process runs list.
  •  A process with active process version runs can now be deleted.

Nova resolved issues

  • Fixed the "Filter by Relationship"  to filter correctly when using hierarchies.