Activities Overview

The table below lists each of the Workflow Activities and provides a short description.  For general information about configuring workflows please see General Workflow Activity Configuration.

Data Activities
Create a new record of a selected object
Update multiple fields or relationships for a selected record
Delete a selected record
Clone an record from one object to another
Change the Type of an existing Record (used when migrating Records)
Get a list of records from a selected object
Run a sequence of activities down a list of records
Make a decision based on a calculation
User Activities
Displays a form to the user and creates a user task
Displays a automatic form to the user for data input
Send a onscreen message to a user
Send an email to a single or list of addresses
Survey Activities
Create and launch a person-based survey campaign
Create and launch a target-based survey campaign
System Activities
Assign a specified value to a predefined variable
Run another workflow and wait for results
Create a link to an entity  
Record a message to the system log
Other Activities

Generate a document based on a report template
Export the data from a report
Fetch a file from a remote server via FTP.

Imports an excel or CSV file in to an object
Send SMS notifications to a list of people
Sequence to End
Shortcut - connects the selected activity to the End Event
Visual Layout Only - Add an extra end point to the workflow