Selecting Page Elements

The Page Elements section serves as a helpful organizational feature for users dealing with the complexities of crafting intricate Nova applications. In the process of designing and editing pages, the multitude of components can be challenging to manage efficiently. This section is designed to alleviate this challenge by providing a centralized repository where users can easily locate and manage all components associated with the selected or currently edited page. This feature aims to enhance the overall user experience by simplifying the retrieval and organization of components, ensuring a smoother and more efficient development process.

To easily retrieve and navigate between page elements:

  1. Go to the Nova application builder.

  2. On the left-hand side expand the pages section by clicking 

    icon and select the page you want to edit.

  3. Then, on the left-hand side expand the page element section by clicking


  4. Select the component you want to retrieve or edit and view its properties on the right-hand side.

Notice that all components are sorted by container and the component’s name is enclosed in a parenthesis.