Advanced Options

Advanced Options allows you to display data including derived types, or data of only the original type on the report.

For example, 'Staff' is an object and 'Dean' is an object which is derived from 'Staff'. The object 'Dean' is called a derived type of 'Staff'.

To set Advanced Options:

  1. Go to Report Builder.
  2. In the Relationship viewer pane, select Advanced Options icon. The Advanced Options dialog appears.
  3. If you want to display the records of of the original object and the derived object, then leave the checkbox unchecked for Show records that are only of object 'Staff'.
  4. If you want to display the records of only the original object, then select the checkbox for Show records that are only of object 'Staff'.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Select SAVE to save the report. The data displays in view mode of the report.