
Returns true if some calculated value is equal to one of several options.


search in (options)
search not in (options)


ArgumentData Type
inputcomma-separated list of single-value calculations
resultbool (true/false)


The in keyword tests to see if the search calculation matches any of several possible options. It returns true if a match is found, and false if no match is found. The search and input will be converted to a common data type if possible.

The search input may be a list or single-value, and the result will be a bool (true/false) or list of bools respectively. The individual items specified in the list are typically constant values. They may also be calculations, but each must individually only return a single-value result.

Not in

The not keyword may be placed directly before the in keyword.  This causes the opposite result to be returned, except if a null is provided (in which case false is still returned).


String comparisons are case insentive for the in keyword,  and for the ReadiNow platform in general.


Consistent with the way that nulls are treated in calculations (where a null value represents the idea that the value is unknown or unknowable):

  1. If the search value is null, then an in calculation will return false.
  2. If the search value is null, then a not in calculation will also return false.


[Project].[Project Tasks] in ('Documentation',  'Unit tests')
'A+' in (85, '79%', 'B+')   /* all values are converted to the string data type to be a common type */
'readinow' in ('ReadiNow')  /* returns true - string comparisons are case insensitive */
1 in (1, 2, 3)              /* returns true */
4 in (1, 2, 3)              /* returns false */
null in (1, 2, 3)           /* returns false */
null in (1, null)           /* returns false, but may be reviewed in a future release */
1 not in (1, 2, 3)          /* returns false */
4 not in (1, 2, 3)          /* returns true */
null not in (1, 2, 3)       /* returns false */
null not in (1, null)       /* returns false */
x in (
  'Options can be',
  'spread over',
  'multiple lines'
x in (
  'Options' + 'can' + 'be',
  [based on] + 'calculations'