Calculation Keywords


Returns one of several results based on some condition. Keyword case value when option1 then result1 when option2 then result2 ... else default end case when condition1 then result1 when condition2 then ...
Returns true if some calculated value is equal to one of several options. Keyword search in (options) search not in (options) Arguments Argument Data Type search any input comma-separated list of single-value calculations r...
let select
Assigns a sub-calculation to a variable that can then be used later in the calculation. Keywords let variable = calculation select result Arguments Argument Data Type variable a label in the calculation calculation any res...
order by
The order by  keyword sorts a list of records by one or more fields, or calculations. Keyword list order by value list order by value desc list order by value1 asc , value2 desc Arguments Argument Data Type Remar...
The where  keyword filters a record list by applying a yes/no condition. Keyword list where condition Arguments Argument Data Type list record list condition single-value bool (true/false) result record list Comments ...