Workflow Runs

The Workflow Runs report displays a list of past instances and running instances of workflows that have been triggered. This report is useful in ensuring workflows are running as expected and it is recommended that this checked on a regular basis. Alternatively, a notification workflow could be set up to send alerts for failing workflows.

Viewing Details of Workflow Runs

To view the details of Workflow Runs:

  1. Select Application Menu. The menu appears with available applications.
  2. Select Administration. The application displays at landing page.
  3. In the Left Navigation Area, select Workflows. The Workflows expands to display list.
  4. Select Workflow Runs. The Workflow Runs display.
  5. Select the Workflow Run you want.
  6. Select ACTION. The menu appears.
  7. Select View. The Workflow Run displays.

The workflow run record displays all the information of the running workflow such as who triggered, when it was triggered, how many actions its taken and etc.  More importantly, it also shows you any Log Messages that logged as a result of the Log activity if it was used in the workflow.  This is helpful when troubleshooting a workflow.

Workflow Run States



QueuedIndicates that the workflow is queued up to run.
PausedIndicates that the workflow paused because it is waiting on an action from a user.
FailedIndicates that the workflow has failed.
CompletedIndicated that the workflow has completed.
Long RunningIndicates that the workflow requires significant processing and is running in the background.