Release Notes for 2.121

ReadiNow reserves the right to update these release notes at any time.

Bug Fixes

  • Document Folder: A new 'Document folder' does not display documents when it should
  • Export report to CSV: DateTime/Duedate field data is exported in UTC format
  • Export XML/CSV/Word : Auto number export not working as expected when pattern set to "Issue# 0000"
  • Forms: Show hide does not work on form when the form is placed on screen - IE only bug
  • Import: Could not map a spreadsheet column with an object field when a different spreadsheet is used to import using the same import configuration
  • Import Resource: In certain scenarios, nothing happens when user clicks on 'Import Resource' from left hand side navigation area
  • Mobile: In certain scenarios, show/hide is not being respected in mobile
  • Mobile: Could not type in name field on a form in report as the title of the container below appears in the name field when a new form is loaded form report
  • Quick search: When performed on Group by is removing the Group-by header
  • Quick Search: When performed on summarised relationship column is not displaying Group-by header
  • Reports: Clearing the General Settings 'Currency Symbol' is not respected
  • Reports: Sorting does not work on a calculated column if it takes the value from a boolean field
  • Survey: Attachment is uploaded every time save is hit it will duplicate the file
  • Survey-Mobile: When an attachment is uploaded with mobile, the download of the file fails 
  • Theming: Deleting the themeing causes issues with the tenant and it comes back with a blank screen
  • Time Zone : When system time zone is changed , "date" field is displaying wrong data in report
  • Workflow: Forgets that I have checked Run as Workflow Owner checkbox
  • Workflow: Cannot adjust columns in Select Parameter dialogue box in workflow designer to see full description
  • Workflow: User Action - Comment mandatory could not be checked - IE only
  • Workflow: when a date is selected in a workflow the date that actually populates is the day before