
Columns can be sorted in the report builder mode by various methods.

Method 1: Selecting column headings

  1. Go to the Report Builder.
  2. Select a column heading to sort by that column (to sort A to Z).
  3. Select the column heading again (to sort Z to A).
  4. Repeat for multiple columns as required.
  5. Select SAVE to save the report.

Method 2: Using the column context menu

  1. Go to the Report Builder.
  2. Select the down arrow in the column header (visible on hover). The column context menu appears.
  3. Select 'Sort A to Z' or 'Sort Z to A'.
  4. Repeat for multiple columns as required.
  5. Select SAVE to save the report.

Method 3: Using the sort options

  1. Go to the Report Builder.
  2. Select the down arrow in the column heading (visible on hover). The column context menu appears.
  3. Select Sort Options. The Report Sorting Options dialog appears with existing sort settings.
  4. Select Add Sorting. The Sort by fields appear.
  5. Select the first down arrow. The column titles display.
  6. Select the column to sort.
  7. Select the next down arrow. The sort order options display. 
  8. Select the sort order to sort.
  9. Select Add Sorting to sort sort by more than one column.
  10. Select OK to sort the report.
  11. Select SAVE to save the report.